Adding New Step Types: Background Information
Defining the step Type's API Object
You begin creating a step type by defining its API object. This object
contains features and scripts that are required for the operation
of a workflow step type and is named StandardTasks.
You can find the StandardTasks object in
The StandardTasks object
acts as a class object that you can use to create many different step types.
You can also access the StandardTasks object using
the Content Server API. For more information, see the Content Server API Developer's
For each step type that you create, you can modify the
following features:
- fSubType stores a unique integer
value that works with the fType feature to identify the object.
The WFTask object and the
WFTask object also contain fSubType features, which
must be the same as the value of this fSubType feature.
- fTaskName stores the name of the step. By default,
this value is displayed when you position your cursor over the task's
icon in the Workflow Designer.
- fType stores a unique integer
value that works with the fSubType feature
to identify the object.
When adding step types, set the fType
values to an integer higher than 99 and the fSubType
values to an integer between 1 and 10.
For each step type that you create, you can modify the
following scripts:
- GetPainterInfo() retrieves the text that is displayed
as a title below the step icon in the Workflow Desinger. The default value is
the title of the step, as specified in the fTaskName
feature. If you do not want to display the title of the step in the
Workflow Designer, you can modify this script.
- ReadyTaskForInitiation() stores callback scripts and
any additional data that is required by the step type throughout
the execution of a workflow. This script is called when the workflow is initiated.
You can use this script to store the type, subtype, and
permission information for the step type in the
MAPTASK_USERDATA column of the WMapTask table. The
type and subtype information must be present in the
WMapTask table so that Content Server can distinguish between
different types of tasks.
- SetTaskDefaults() stores the default data that must be
present before Content Server can recognize the step type (that is, the type and subtype). This
script also stores the title, performer ID, and any other
information that you want to appear as default values on the
Step Definition page when a step of this type is edited in
Content Server. You can also use this script to store step information that must
be present if the creator of a workflow map does not edit the
step on the Step Definition page before the workflow is
- SetTaskRecFromMap() converts a workflow step that has
been prepared for initiation to a workflow map definition step. This script
transfers data from the WAPIMAPTASK to the correct
fields in the map definition step to convert the workflow step back to a format
that the Workflow Designer recognizes. The WAPIMAPTASK
data type is used to define the object handle of a workflow map step
that is stored in the WAPI database. It is used in WAPI functions for all
step manipulation operations.
This script is called when a workflow manager attempts to
modify a workflow that has already been initiated. It undoes the
changes that were made by the ReadyTaskForInitiation()
script (because the ReadyTaskForInitiation() script is called
again when the workflow manager saves their changes and the
workflow process is resumed).
Defining the Workflow Designer Information
After you define the step type's API object, you must provide the Workflow
Painter with the information it requires to display the step and manipulate
the data provided by the creator of the workflow map. You define the Workflow
Painter information using the WFTask object.
You can find this object in WebWFP:WebWFPRoot.
For each step type that you create, you can modify the following
- fSubType stores a unique integer
value that works with the fType feature to identify the object.
The StandardTask object and the
WFTask object also contain fSubType features, which
must be the same as the value of this fSubType feature.
- fType stores a unique integer
value that works with the fSubType feature
to identify the object.
When adding step types, set the fType
values to an integer higher than 99 and the fSubType
values to an integer between 1 and 10.
For each step type that you create, you can modify the following
- GetMapData() tells Content Server what to display when the creator
of a workflow map edits this type of step. This script identifies the location
and name of the HTML file to display for the Step Definition page for this step
type. You can maintain consistency with other Content Server Step Definition
pages by using the commonedittask.html file.
- PutMapData() saves the information that the creator of a
workflow map enters on the Step Definition page when editing the step in the
Workflow Designer. This data is saved in the workflow map definition.
In addition to the features and scripts that you modify to
define the Workflow Designer information for a step type, you must create the
HTML file for this task's Step Definition page.
If you want to support the transport capabilities of Content Server, you
must modify these additional scripts that are executed while a workflow is transported
from one system to another:
- GetXmlMetaDataSubclass() adds step data that is relevant for
the transport to the XML file that is written while the workflow map is added to the workbench.
- PrepareXmlMetaDataSubclass() reads step data that is relevant
for the transport from the XML file while the workflow map is deployed from the workbench. Additionally it
converts the data to a data structure that matches the step configuration.
- SetXmlMetaDataSubclass() updates the existing workflow map step
configuration with the updated target system information.
To support the transport capabilities for your custom workflow packages is optional and can be achieved by implementing the
already mentioned functions GetXmlMetaData(), PrepareXmlMetaData(), SetXmlMetaData() resp. the functions
GetXmlMetaDataTask(), PrepareXmlMetaDataTask(), SetXmlMetaDataTask() for the package specific task data.
With these implementations you ensure that the metadata is exported from the source environment while adding the workflow map to
the Transport Warehouse and imported while it is deployed in the target environment. But the key feature of Content Server Transport
is the ability to map external references during the transport. The most obvious external references that exist in a workflow map
are the users and groups that are used for step assignment. But also folders and documents differ at least in their id from one
system to another. In order to map these references during the transport you have to implement dependency, dependency
finder and dependency replacer objects. You can refer to the different objects that are already implement in the workflow modules or
you check out the TRANSPORT module which provides the basic transport functionality and the parent objects to
orphan you objects from.
See package WEBWFP::Transport for the workflow related dependency objects. As an example to maintain a sub
workflow reference of the sub-workflow step, the following three objects where introduced:
- WEBWFP::Transport::SubmapDependency that identifies a dependency to a workflow map
used as sub workflow.
- WEBWFP::Transport::SubmapDependencyFinder used to find sub workflow related metadata in
the export file and to display the dependency in the transport warehouse.
- WEBWFP::Transport::SubmapDependencyReplacer used to replace the sub workflow related
metadata during the import.
Defining the Status and Display of the Step
After you define the API object and Workflow Designer information for the step
type, you must define the information that handles the step when a workflow
participant is working on it and when it is displayed on the Detailed Status
page in Content Server. You define this information using the
WFTask object. You can find this
object in WebWork:WebWorkRoot.
For each step type that you create, you can modify the following
- fPaletteTask stores a Boolean value. If the value of this
feature is set to TRUE, an icon
representing the step type can be displayed on the Icon Palette in the
Workflow Designer. If the value of this feature is set to
FALSE, an icon representing the step type cannot
be displayed on the Step Palette in the Workflow Designer.
- fSubType stores a unique integer
value that works with the fType feature to identify the object.
The StandardTask object and the
WFTask object also contain fSubType features which
must be the same as the value of this fSubType feature.
- fTaskGif stores the name of the image that was used until Content Server 10.5 to
represent the step on the Step Palette in the Workflow Designer. The image must be 32x32 pixels.
This image must be stored in your module's support directory (for example,
- fSmallTaskGif stores the name of the image that is used to
represent the step on the Step Palette in the Workflow Designer of Content Server 10.5. It is added to the upper left corner of the BPMN 2.0 activity shape.
The image must be 16x16 pixels. If it is not set the fTaskGif image is used and scaled to this size.
This image must be stored in your module's support directory (for example,
- fType stores a unique integer that works with the
fSubType feature to identify the object.
When adding step types, set the fType
values to an integer higher than 99 and the fSubType
values to an integer between 1 and 10.
For each step type that you create, you can modify the
following scripts:
- GetDisplayPerformerInfo() examines the workflow and
determines if the step has been assigned to a workflow participant.
If it has, this script retrieves the name and ID of the workflow
participant to whom the step has been assigned. This information
is displayed when the workflow participant attempts to reassign
the step in Content Server.
- GetPainterInfo() defines the information (for example,
the name, type, subtype, icon, or module) that the Workflow Designer
needs to know about the step type. This includes all of the information
that the Workflow Designer requires to perform operations on the step.
- GetPainterMenu() returns a list of Assocs that define
the menu commands that appear when you right-click this step type's
icon in the Workflow Designer. You can set the Boolean value of the
viewonly variable to
TRUE if you want to display a standard set of menu commands that do
not let the creator of a workflow map edit the step type in the Workflow
Painter. You can set the Boolean value of the viewonly
variable to FALSE if you want to display
a standard set of menu commands that let the creator of a workflow map edit
the step type in the Workflow Designer. Whether you set the Boolean value of the
viewonly variable to TRUE
or FALSE, you can use this script to override the
menu commands that are displayed in the Content Server interface as needed.
- GetStatusDisplay() retrieves
the information that is
displayed when a workflow participant clicks the step name on the
Step List tab or double-clicks the step icon on the Map View tab of the
Detailed Status page. This script returns Undefined
(indicating that there is no information of this type relevant
to the active workflow) or it returns an Assoc. If the script returns an
Assoc, the fields in the Assoc must contain the information that the
HTML file (specified by retval.HTMLFile)
needs to be displayed in Content Server. The Assoc contains OK if the data
needed for display is retrieved; otherwise, it contains a string named
- GetTaskEditData() retrieves
the information that is
displayed when a workflow participant clicks the step name on the Tasks
page in their Personal Workspace. This script returns
Undefined (indicating that there is no information of this type
relevant to the active workflow) or it returns an Assoc. If the function
returns an Assoc, the fields in the Assoc must contain the information
that the HTML file (specified by retval.HTMLFile)
needs to be displayed in Content Server. The Assoc contains OK if the data needed
for display is retrieved; otherwise, it contains a string named
- NewPerformer() updates step information if the step is
reassigned in Content Server. For example, if the performer's name is also the
name of the step in the Workflow Designer, this script updates the names.
This script is called when this type of step is reassigned in Content Server so
that all performer-dependent information is updated.
Depending on the complexity of the step types that you add to
Content Server, you may have to provide additional functionality. For example,
if you create a step type that allows the creators of workflow maps to
attach custom callback scripts to particular workflow events that are
associated with that step type, you may need to define the objects
responsible for handling those callback scripts in Content Server.
For more information, see the WFCustomScriptPkg Object.
If you add a complex step type to the custom module that you are creating, you may need
to create custom request handlers that perform the operations associated with the step
type. For example, the form step type (installed with the Content Server Forms module) uses
request handlers to display the data in the form, to retrieve data from the form, and to
pass the data to the workflow. In this case, the request handlers set up and manipulate all
of the form's data correctly.