This code sample can be used as a prototype for the script that creates the tables in your database when you install your custom module.
#ifdef COMPILEME create table %Prefix%Cust_Project ( WorkflowID %type_int% %not_null%, Project_Name %type_char_64% %null%, Priority %type_int% %null%, ID_Code %type_char_32% %null%, DueDate %type_date% %null% ) / create index Cust_Project_Primary on %Prefix%Cust_Project ( WorkflowID ) / create table %Prefix%Cust_Customers ( WorkflowID %type_int% %not_null%, Name %type_char_64% %null%, Addr1 %type_char_32% %null%, Addr2 %type_char_32% %null%, City %type_char_32% %null%, State %type_char_32% %null%, Zip %type_char_32% %null%, Phone %type_char_32% %null%, Fax %type_char_32% %null% ) / create index Cust_Customers_Primary on %Prefix%Cust_Customers ( WorkflowID ) / insert into %Prefix%KIni values( '%IniSection%', '%IniKeyword%', '{8,0,1}' ) / %commit_command% / #endif